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Discover the different projects carried out by the JIV community to protect the environment and keep Jongensfontein clean and beautiful.
Scroll down or click on one of the topics to access more information.

Remember to consult the events program to see when our next community projects will take place.

Even though our beautiful tide pool seems quite tame and safe, we had to take a few important measures to ensure the security of our swimmers.

Besides the buoys that have been strategically placed to help secure swimmers, and the ramps provided to enable the elderly to access the pool, the JIV intervenes to prevent algae overgrowth on the rocks.
The algae cause the rocks at the entrance of the pool, and on a few other spots where bathers enter the water, to become extremely slippery and hazardous. Every year, the JIV removes the algae with a high pressure water jet. However, the algae constitute an important part of the biodiversity and should not be treated with harsh chemicals, therefore a complete removal of algae is not possible or advisable. We encourage bathers to be cautious on the rocks while doing our best to protect both our swimmers and the environment


Ons is almal lief daarvoor om die seelug diep in te asem, mits daar nie 'n onaangename rooiaas geurtjie in die lug hang nie! Vrywilligers binne die JIV gemeenskap versamel gereeld rooiaas om te vermy dat dit vrot, vlieë trek en onaangenaam ruik.


Rooiaas is inderwaarheid 'n seedier met, soos die naam aandui, 'n rooierige voorkoms. Die lewenssikuls van hierdie manteldier is baie interessant, en daar is volop langs ons kus Rooiaas hoef nie noodwendig vullishoop toe te gaan nie aangesien dit, soos die naam ook andui, as uitstekende aas kan dien vir​ hengelaars.
Ongelukkig laat rooi-aas 'n aardige reuk na op enige iets wat daarmee in aanraking gekom het. Gelukkig is daar 'n verskeidenheid rate wat kan help. Byvoorbeeld, as jou hande daarna sou ruik, smeer 'n bietjie tandepaste aan soos handeroom en was dan af met seep en water.

As residents of Jongensfontein, one of our top priorities should be the preservation of our natural environment. With the increasing amount of pollution in coastal areas and on sea through dumping, one of our major battles is keeping our beaches clean.

The JIV regularly organises beach cleanup sessions during which volunteers perform a "garbage hunt". Every time we fill an impressive amount of garbage bags with various objects, plastics and fishing line residue.
We want to encourage our residents and homeowners to make "garbage patrol" a personal habit. When you go to the beach, take a shopping bag with you that you can discard in one of the public garbage bins after your stroll. If each one of us do a little bit of regular beach cleaning, we will be able to maintain an impeccable Jongensfontein and preserve the beautiful environment for generations to come. 
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