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Discover the various maintenance and upgrade projects in which the JIV community has taken part. These projects are funded by our member's contributions and the fundraising events held during the year.
Scroll down or click on one of the topics to access more information.

Die JIV en Hessequa Munisipaliteit het 'n uitstekende simbiotiese verhouding wat oor die jare heen versterk en verdiep het. Dit maak 'n kommunikasiestruktuur moontlik tussen inwoners en die munisipaliteit wat vinnig en doeltreffend is, aangesien beide partye eenvoudig deur die JIV kan werk.


Examples of issues handled are:


  • General water problems, burst pipes etc.;

  • Electrical issues;

  • Condition of roads and pavements;

  • Rain/wind damage;

  • General, such as a damaged braais, ablution blocks etc.;

  • Incorrect rubble disposal.




 Ter afsluiting is dit belangrik om te noem dat die JIV besig is om 'n Buurtwag te vorm en baie nou saamwerk met die SAPD in Stilbaai om te verseker dat hierdie projek op die regte manier, en so effektief moontlik, gevoer word.

Beach preparation for summer holidays
The main swimming beach in Jongensfontein, which carries Blue Flag status, is beautifully located in front of the “Drie Pikkewyne” restaurant and adjacent to a lovely lawn.


During the course of any year, the tidal motion of the sea pushes the sand back into a dune on the beach and also creates a “hollow” in the shallow water. Neither of these situations is ideal, particularly over the summer holiday period.

Accordingly, the JRA has an arrangement with the Hessequa Municipality to “bulldoze” the dune sand back into the sea during low tide at the beginning of December. This requires the use of a medium-sized bulldozer with an operator whose skills will provide for safe swimming conditions and enough flat area on the beach for everyone to pitch their umbrellas.

As daar nou een ding is wat Suid Afrikaners goed kan doen, is dit braai! Om te verseker dat ons gunsteling tydverdryf nie skade aan ons pragtige natuurlike erfenis berokken nie, is dit nodig om voldoende braai-strukture in uitgesoekte areas te voorsien.
Oor die jare het die JRA 'n totaal van 10 braai-strukture gebou langs die Jongensfontein kuslyn vanaf die oostelike tot die westelike perimeters. Hierdie braai-areas is spesifiek uitgesoek om prakties toeganklik te wees asook 'n fantastiese see-uitsig te bied, en is uiters gewild onder plaaslike inwoners asook besoekers. Die JRA doen onderhous op 'n gereelde basis.
The swemgat is a natural tidal rock pool located on the southern coastline of Jongensfontein. Even though it seems quite tame and safe, we had to take a few important measures to ensure the security of swimmers.
Strong currents need to be treated with great respect and, to this end, the NSRI in conjunction with the JRA have spanned a rope with buoys at the point where the pool meets the open sea. This can be grabbed by a swimmer in distress. The system is monitored and maintained by the JRA.

Besides the buoys, and the ramps provided to enable bathers to access the pool more securely, the JIV intervenes to prevent algae overgrowth on the rocks.
The algae proliferates on smooth rock surfaces, and cause these rocks to become extremely slippery and hazardous. Though many rocks are affected, especially concerning are those at the entrance of the pool and also a few other spots where bathers like to jump into the pool. The entrance to the swemgatwhere the ramps have been erected as an additional security measure , is a path of smooth rocks that collect algae over time and become very slippery.

Every year, the JIV removes the algae with a high 
pressure water jet. However, the algae constitute an important part of the biodiversity and should not be treated with harsh chemicals, therefore a complete removal of algae is not possible or advisable.
Three times a year the JRA hires high pressure spray equipment and a group of volunteers take turns cleaning the rocks. This is a full morning’s work and is usually followed by a braai and a few drops of the “good stuff”!

We encourage bathers to be cautious on the rocks while we will keep doing our best to protect both our swimmers and the environment. 


Jongensfontein word deur ses paadjies deurkruis. Een bied 'n pragtige wandeling langs die kuslyn, terwyl die ander van verskeie beginpunte óf af na die see lei, óf na asemrowende uitkykpunte. Daar is ook verskeie paadjies in 'n ongerepte natuurgebied wat aan Jongensfontein grens, waar natuurliefhebbers kan stap en tallose spesies fynbos kan identifiseer en bewonder. 

Die JIV is verantwoordelik vir die instandhouding van al hierdie paadjies en het om daardie rede 'n werknemer aangestel wat toegerus is vir die nodige nasorg. Opgelei in die gebruik van spesifieke werkstoerusting, spandeer hy 'n groot deel van sy tyd aan hierdie enorme taak.
Die trekker en snymasjien wat gebruik word om die paadjies oop en begaanbaar te hou, is ook deur die JIV geskenk.
The fountain of Jongensfontein


The “Jongens” portion of our town’s name is the subject of much historic debate and can be studied in an excellent book by Barbara M. de Jager entitled “Jongensfontein – van suiping tot sauna”.  The second half of the name is easily explained and relates to a water source known as the “oog” which has provided the town with water for centuries.

Over recent years this water, which flows into a dam, combined with water from other springs is channelled to a pumping station and pumped into reservoirs.

One of the most important tasks undertaken by the JRA, in conjunction with the Hessequa Municipality, is to closely monitor the water reticulation system - on a daily basis - to identify and resolve any problematic areas promptly and efficiently.

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